Blogs by their very nature are, in my humble opinion, vaguely narcissistic and over-indulgent. They live off the concept that your thoughts and opinions are important enough to publish to the entire world. Now, I'm not knocking them for that (clearly, as I myself am writing one right now). Anyone that creates anything, be it writing, music, film, etc, has to operate from a belief that what they're doing means something and deserves to be seen/heard. If they didn't then the things they've done would never see the light of day. It would simply sit in a drawer somewhere collecting dust. Modern technology allows us to put ourselves out there unfettered and unfiltered. There's both good and bad about that. I see nothing wrong with cutting through a whole lot of red tape and just getting ideas to the public free of restrictions. The bad is a total lack of quality control. Just as over-expansion diluted the talent pool and killed the NHL, the fact that anyone with an internet connection can blow their mental load all over the world wide web has flooded cyberspace with a mass of material with questionable merit. But if you care to sift through the hyberbolic, vitriol spewed all over the place you'll find quite a bit of fine material. I aspire to be a part of the latter category.
So, getting back to the task at hand, the mission statement.
But wait before I begin in earnest, let me address the issue of why I'm writing a mission statement in the first place (which is what I started off trying to do). I figure that if I'm taking the time to write this stuff and you, the reader are taking the time the read it then it's worth me taking the time to state my intentions. If you plan on investing yourself in this blog and reading it on a regular-to-semi-regular basis (and I hope that you do) I should at least let you know what it is you're getting into. So without further ado.... The Mission Statement
This blog will be about movies, music, tv, books, pop culture, etc. It will be my opinions about these topics and not a news site.
This site is not about me or my personal life (aside from the occasional anecdote as it may relate to the material I'm discussing). I don't think you need to know what I had for breakfast for me to tell you what I thought of the latest Coen Brothers movie (PS: it was awesome)
I like top 5 lists. A lot. So expect them regularly.
I'll do my best to put up content frequently.
I like feedback and suggestions so don't be shy.
I guess that's it. In retrospect, kind of a weak mission statement. I probably shouldn't have bothered. Oh, well I already wrote it so its getting posted
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